Sunday, March 12, 2017

Square 1 Part 2

To start this post off, I hope everyone has had an extremely relaxing Sunday. I had a really good day and I am truly enjoying blogging, even though I don't think anyone has read my posts yet! 

Cali and I have started to discuss title ideas. -side note, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and not get to attached to your ideas, especially if your'e working with someone who doesn't like change.- WE have come down to two titles, of course one of mine and one of hers. I think you can interpret the rest... obviously I want to use mine and she wants hers but mine just makes more sense. whatever... Tomorrow I plan to win the battle between the two titles and share it with you in my next post. We did pick our two additions of our magazines. One is going to be based on New Orleans, Louisiana, and mine is based in Costa Rica, one of my favorite places. 

Tomorrow I will dive deep into the research and will need some words of encouragement to keep going. being optimistic is this best thing to do in situations like this so this is what I will do.  Hopefully a sketch of the cover page will be done and the layouts for the two-page spreads as well.  

Well, that will be all for tonight goodnight sleep tight and get ready for a great week! 

Hope to meet you here again soon!

Square 1 Part 1

AND.... we are off... 

The brainstorming has begun and the research has kicked into gear. Cali, my partner, and I had the ideas flowing, nothing too good... THEN the ideas just came to us! We were stuck in between a fitness fashion and food type magazine, Similar to Women's Health, and a travel magazine with amazing site seeings and adventures around the globe, similar to Travel and leisure. 

In the end, of the back and fourth debate, we have decided to go with... traveling!!!

As seen in the pictures below, our pros and cons list along with extra info about picking our topic.

The compromise came down to the fact that I am a gym junkie and my partner would rather be anywhere but the gym, but we both absolutely love to travel. I wish I could say it was an easy decision but we did bicker throughout and it complicated some things.

Fancy meeting you here!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Melanie Louis, but I go by Mel or Mellie most of the time. I am extremely excited about the start of this blogging process. 

A bit about me...
I am a full time high school student in Florida, I am captain of the Varsity lacrosse team, traveling is my passion and my family and friends mean everything to me.

Why I'm creating this blog...
This blog is being created to go along side a magazine I will be creating for one of my classes, AICE Media Studies. In this class we were given the option for a magazine or a film opener as our portfolio project and given the option to work in a group of up to four or individually. I have decided to work with one of my classmates, Cali Kaufman, and our final decision was made months before the start of this project, a magazine won our interests.

What to expect...
Well quite honestly I'm not really sure. This is the first writing blog I have taken part in, I have made blogs through pictures but never like this. I can promise you there will be at least 3 posts every week until the end of April. Together we will go through several ups and downs, successes and failures, I'm hoping several more successes, but ya know Sh*t happens and sometimes things go wrong.

Throughout this process I want to...

  • truly accept that its okay to fail even when working hard
  • WOW myself, teammate, teacher, and classmates with my final project
  • look back at this and be able to feel I did the best I could possibly do
  • work on being open to new ideas and not being as stubborn when I'm extremely passionate about something
  • work on my communication with my partner 
  • create an atmosphere on my blog that makes people feel good and like what they read